Why is the JVM stack-based and the Dalvik VM register-based?

I don't know why Sun decided to make JVM stack based. Erlangs virtual machine, BEAM is register based for performance reasons. And Dalvik also seem to be register based because of performance reasons.

From Pro Android 2:

Dalvik uses registers as primarily units of data storage instead of the stack. Google is hoping to accomplish 30 percent fewer instructions as a result.

And regarding the code size:

The Dalvik VM takes the generated Java class files and combines them into one or more Dalvik Executables (.dex) files. It reuses duplicate information from multiple class files, effectively reducing the space requirement (uncompressed) by half from traditional .jar file. For example, the .dex file of the web browser app in Android is about 200k, whereas the equivalent uncompressed .jar version is about 500k. The .dex file of the alarm clock is about 50k, and roughly twice that size in its .jar version.

And as I remember Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach also conclude that a register machine perform better than a stack based machine.

I can't find a reference, but I think Sun decided for the stack-based bytecode approach because it makes it easy to run the JVM on an architecture with few registers (e.g. IA32).

In Dalvik VM Internals from Google I/O 2008, the Dalvik creator Dan Bornstein gives the following arguments for choosing a register-based VM on slide 35 of the presentation slides:

Register Machine


  • avoid instruction dispatch
  • avoid unnecessary memory access
  • consume instruction stream efficiently (higher semantic density per instruction)

and on slide 36:

Register Machine

The stats

  • 30% fewer instructions
  • 35% fewer code units
  • 35% more bytes in the instructions stream
    • but we get to consume two at a time

According to Bornstein this is "a general expectation what you could find when you convert a set of class files to dex files".

The relevant part of the presentation video starts at 25:00.

There is also an insightful paper titled "Virtual Machine Showdown: Stack Versus Registers" by Shi et al. (2005), which explores the differences between stack- and register-based virtual machines.

There are a few attributes of a stack-based VM that fit in well with Java's design goals:

  1. A stack-based design makes very few assumptions about the target hardware (registers, CPU features), so it's easy to implement a VM on a wide variety of hardware.

  2. Since the operands for instructions are largely implicit, the object code will tend to be smaller. This is important if you're going to be downloading the code over a slow network link.

Going with a register-based scheme probably means that Dalvik's code generator doesn't have to work as hard to produce performant code. Running on an extremely register-rich or register-poor architecture would probably handicap Dalvik, but that's not the usual target - ARM is a very middle-of-the-road architecture.

I had also forgotten that the initial version of Dalvik didn't include a JIT at all. If you're going to interpret the instructions directly, then a register-based scheme is probably a winner for interpretation performance.