Why is set-o errexit breaking this read/heredoc expression?

read returns a non-zero exit status if it doesn't find a delimiter, which is always the case when the delimiter is an empty string.

The exit code of the read command is 1 when the end of file (EOF) marker is reached. This will always happen when the delimiter -d is null '' in this special case where the source stream is a heredoc that could not contain a \0.

$ read -d '' message <<-_ThisMessageEnds_
>     this is a
>     multi line
>     message
> _ThisMessageEnds_
$ exitval=$?
$ echo "The exit val was $exitval"
The exit val was 1.

That the exit value is an error (not 0) makes the script exit could be avoided with a AND/OR construct:

read -d '' message <<-_ThisMessageEnds_ || echo "$message"
    this is a
    multi line

That will send the message to the console and yet avoid exiting it with errexit.

But as we are on this path to reduce, why not use this directly:

cat <<-_ThisMessageEnds_
    this is a

No read command executed (more speed), no variable needed, no error from the exit code, less code to maintain.

read -d '' message

reads stdin until the first unescaped (as you didn't add -r) NUL character or the end of the input and stores the data after $IFS and backslash character processing into $message (without the delimiter).

If no unescaped delimiter is found in the input, read's exit status is non-zero. It only returns 0 (success) if a full, terminated record is read.

It's most useful for dealing with NUL-delimited records like the output of find -print0 (though you then need a IFS= read -rd '' record syntax).

Here, you need to include a NUL delimiter in your here-document for read to return successfully. That is however not possible with bash which strips NUL characters from here-documents (that's at least better than yash that strips everything past the first NUL, or ksh93 which seems to enter an infinite loop when a here-document contains a NUL).

zsh is the only shell that can have a NUL in its here documents or store it in its variables or pass NUL characters in arguments to its builtins/functions. In zsh, you can do:

IFS= read -d $NUL -r var << EOF

(zsh also understand read -d '' as a NUL delimiter like bash. read -d $'\0' also works in bash but that does pass an empty argument to read like in read -d '' as bash doesn't support NUL bytes in its command line).

(note that there's an extra newline character after that $NUL)

In bash, you can use a different character:

IFS= read -d "$ONE" -r var << EOF

But you could also do:

var=$(cat <<EOF

That will still not allow NUL characters. That's however standard code, so you don't need to rely on the zsh/bash specific read -d. Also note that it removes all trailing newline characters, and except in ksh93 when the cat builtin is enabled, that means spawning an extra process and command.

