Why is my context in my Fragment null?

When are you instantiating your Helper class? Make sure it's after onActivityCreated() in the lifecycle of the Fragment.


The following code should work:

  public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    helper = new Helper(getActivity());

You're attempting to get a Context when the Fragment is first instantiated. At that time, it is NOT attached to an Activity, so there is no valid Context.

Have a look at the Fragment Lifecycle. Everything between onAttach() to onDetach() contain a reference to a valid Context instance. This Context instance is usually retrieved via getActivity()

Code example:

private Helper mHelper;

public void onAttach(Activity activity){
   super.onAttach (activity);
   mHelper = new Helper (activity);

I used onAttach() in my example, @LaurenceDawson used onActivityCreated(). Note the differences. Since onAttach() gets an Activity passed to it already, I didn't use getActivity(). Instead I used the argument passed. For all other methods in the lifecycle, you will have to use getActivity().