Why is i++ not atomic?

i++ is probably not atomic in Java because atomicity is a special requirement which is not present in the majority of the uses of i++. That requirement has a significant overhead: there is a large cost in making an increment operation atomic; it involves synchronization at both the software and hardware levels that need not be present in an ordinary increment.

You could make the argument that i++ should have been designed and documented as specifically performing an atomic increment, so that a non-atomic increment is performed using i = i + 1. However, this would break the "cultural compatibility" between Java, and C and C++. As well, it would take away a convenient notation which programmers familiar with C-like languages take for granted, giving it a special meaning that applies only in limited circumstances.

Basic C or C++ code like for (i = 0; i < LIMIT; i++) would translate into Java as for (i = 0; i < LIMIT; i = i + 1); because it would be inappropriate to use the atomic i++. What's worse, programmers coming from C or other C-like languages to Java would use i++ anyway, resulting in unnecessary use of atomic instructions.

Even at the machine instruction set level, an increment type operation is usually not atomic for performance reasons. In x86, a special instruction "lock prefix" must be used to make the inc instruction atomic: for the same reasons as above. If inc were always atomic, it would never be used when a non-atomic inc is required; programmers and compilers would generate code that loads, adds 1 and stores, because it would be way faster.

In some instruction set architectures, there is no atomic inc or perhaps no inc at all; to do an atomic inc on MIPS, you have to write a software loop which uses the ll and sc: load-linked, and store-conditional. Load-linked reads the word, and store-conditional stores the new value if the word has not changed, or else it fails (which is detected and causes a re-try).

Why is i++ not atomic in Java?

Let's break the increment operation into multiple statements:

Thread 1 & 2 :

  1. Fetch value of total from memory
  2. Add 1 to the value
  3. Write back to the memory

If there is no synchronization then let's say Thread one has read the value 3 and incremented it to 4, but has not written it back. At this point, the context switch happens. Thread two reads the value 3, increments it and the context switch happens. Though both threads have incremented the total value, it will still be 4 - race condition.

i++ involves two operations :

  1. read the current value of i
  2. increment the value and assign it to i

When two threads perform i++ on the same variable at the same time, they may both get the same current value of i, and then increment and set it to i+1, so you'll get a single incrementation instead of two.

Example :

int i = 5;
Thread 1 : i++;
           // reads value 5
Thread 2 : i++;
           // reads value 5
Thread 1 : // increments i to 6
Thread 2 : // increments i to 6
           // i == 6 instead of 7

Java specification

The important thing is the JLS (Java Language Specification) rather than how various implementations of the JVM may or may not have implemented a certain feature of the language.

The JLS defines the ++ postfix operator in clause 15.14.2 which says i.a. "the value 1 is added to the value of the variable and the sum is stored back into the variable". Nowhere does it mention or hint at multithreading or atomicity.

For multithreading or atomicity, the JLS provides volatile and synchronized. Additionally, there are the Atomic… classes.