Why is Android O failing with "does not belong to this FragmentManager!"

For me this was not only an issue on Android O but also on older versions. The oldest version I tested was API Level 16.

I was instantiating my fragments using this code:

MyFragment myFragment = MyFragment.newInstance();
myFragment.setTargetFragment(ParentFragment.this, 0);
myFragment.show(getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager(), null);

Where ParentFragment.this is a custom class extending android.support.v4.app.Fragment, MyFragment also extends this class and is a child fragment of the ParentFragment fragment (hence it's name).

I thought that I had to use a SupportFragmentManager (the getSupportFragmentManager() method) because I am using a fragment of the support package so I tried to call getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager() to get an activity reference that supported this method.

This does not seem to be the correct way though. I changed those calls to:

MyFragment myFragment = MyFragment.newInstance();
myFragment.setTargetFragment(ParentFragment.this, 0);
myFragment.show(getFragmentManager(), null);

so the fragment decides on it's own which FragmentManager to use and the error is gone now.

Hope this helps someone.

I just faced the same issues in the project that I am currently working on when we moved to Android Studio 3 and upgraded the support library to version 26. All of a sudden, without changing the code, we got tons of this exception. In the end I found out the following:

Google added a new "sanity check" in the sources of the v4 Fragment Manager in January this year (not sure into what release that went) that refuses to add a fragment using a Fragment Manager, if it has a target fragment set and the target fragment cannot be found in the active fragments of the same Fragment Manager. The patch is described in detail here

Ealier versions seem to not have cared about that. Took me a few days to update all the areas in our code where fragments that were added using the Support Fragment Manager used the Child Fragment Manager for their subfragments with the parent fragment as target. Well, late penalty for writing bad code.

I had the same problem, definitely an android bug. It happens when you are showing a fragment from another fragment using it as target. As workaround you can use:

    getActivity().getFragmentManager().beginTransaction().add(dialogFrag, "dialog").commit();