Why HotSpot will optimize the following using hoisting?

Joshua Bloch's "Effective Java" explains why you must be careful when sharing variables between threads. If there doesn't exist any explicit happens before relation between threads, the HotSpot compiler is allowed to optimize the code for speed reasons as shown by dmide.

Most nowadays microprocessors offer different kinds of out-of-order strategies. This leads to a weak consistency model which is also the base for Java's Platform Memory Model. The idea behind is, as long as the programmer does not explicitly express the need for an inter-thread coordination, the processor and the compiler can do different optimizations.

The two keywords volatile (atomicity & visibility) and synchronized (atomicity & visibility & mutual exclusion) are used for expressing the visibility of changes (for other threads). However, in addition you must know the happens before rules (see Goetz et al “Java Concurrency in Practice” p. 341f (JCP) and Java Language Specification §17).

So, what happens when System.out.println() is called? See above. First of all, you need two System.out.println() calls. One in the main method (after changing done) and one in the started thread (in the while loop). Now, we must consider the program order rule and the monitor lock rule from JLS §17. Here the short version: You have a common lock object M. Everything that happens in a thread A before A unlocks M is visible to another thread B in that moment when B locks M (see JCP).

In our case the two threads share a common PrintStream object in System.out. When we take a look inside println() you see a call of synchronized(this).

Conclusion: Both threads share a common lock M which is locked and unlocked. System.out.println() “flushes” the state change of variable done.

The author assumes there that the variable done is a local variable, which does not have any requirements in the Java Memory Model to expose its value to other threads without synchronization primitives. Or said another way: the value of done won't be changed or viewed by any code other than what's shown here.

In that case, since the loop doesn't change the value of done, its value can be effectively ignored, and the compiler can hoist the evaluation of that variable outside the loop, preventing it from being evaluated in the "hot" part of the loop. This makes the loop run faster because it has to do less work.

This works in more complicated expressions too, such as the length of an array:

int[] array = new int[10000];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
    array[i] = Random.nextInt();

In this case, the naive implementation would evaluate the length of the array 10,000 times, but since the variable array is never assigned and the length of the array will never change, the evaluation can change to:

int[] array = new int[10000];
for (int i = 0, $l = array.length; i < $l; ++i) {
    array[i] = Random.nextInt();

Other optimizations also apply here unrelated to hoisting.

Hope that helps.