Why Doesn't (JS Testing Library) AVA Have "Suites" (or Any Other Groupings)?

Having used Ava for a bit now it appears that the answer to my question is that Ava does have suites, but unlike in Mocha (or similar frameworks) which explicitly define suites, the suites in Ava are implicit, and are based on the file containing the test.

In other words, if you want to run certain code beforeEach test in a given "suite", you simply put those tests in the same file as the test.beforeEach statement, and then it will only run before those tests.

Obviously this results in less granular test output, as you can't nest describe statements the way you can in Mocha. However, when Ava shows test output it uses the file structure to help alleviate this.

For instance, a test "can login" in a file `services/facebook' would result in the following output:

services › facebook › can login

If you want, there is a module ava-spec that tries to reintroduce this to ava.