Why does this mutable borrow live beyond its scope?

In short, &'a mut Chain<'a> is extremely limiting and pervasive.

For an immutable reference &T<'a>, the compiler is allowed to shorten the lifetime of 'a when necessary to match other lifetimes or as part of NLL (this is not always the case, it depends on what T is). However, it cannot do so for mutable references &mut T<'a>, otherwise you could assign it a value with a shorter lifetime.

So when the compiler tries to reconcile the lifetimes when the reference and the parameter are linked &'a mut T<'a>, the lifetime of the reference is conceptually expanded to match the lifetime of the parameter. Which essentially means you've created a mutable borrow that will never be released.

Applying that knowledge to your question: creating a reference-based hierarchy is really only possible if the nested values are covariant over their lifetimes. Which excludes:

  • mutable references
  • trait objects
  • structs with interior mutability

Refer to these variations on the playground to see how these don't quite work as expected.

See also:

  • Why does linking lifetimes matter only with mutable references?
  • How do I implement the Chain of Responsibility pattern using a chain of trait objects?
  • What are the differences when getting an immutable reference from a mutable reference with self-linked lifetimes?

The issue isn't lexical lifetimes, and adding an explicit drop won't change the error. The issue is with the &'a mut Chain<'a>- that forces root to be borrowed for its entire life, rendering it useless after the borrow is dropped. As per the comment below, doing this with lifetimes is basically impossible. I would suggest using a box instead. Changing the struct to

pub enum Chain{
Root {
        value: String,
    Child {
        parent: Box<Chain>,

and adjusting the other methods as necesary. Alternatively, using an Rc<RefCell<Chain>> if you want the original to remain usable without consuming self.