Why does the same JAR file have different hash every time I build it?

Getting reproducible builds with Java, ie. builds that always produce the same binary output, requires some tweaks since Java is not reproducible-friendly from the beginning: jar files, with files order and timestamp, is a first natural source of variation. In addition to issues caused by Java, some Maven plugins cause additional variations: see Maven Reproducible/Verifiable Builds Wiki page https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=74682318

You can use reproducible-build-maven-plugin: https://zlika.github.io/reproducible-build-maven-plugin for the Apache Maven build tool, popular with Java projects or sbt-reproducible-builds plugin https://github.com/raboof/sbt-reproducible-builds for the sbt build tool, popular with Scala projects. For Gradle tool: https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/working_with_files.html#sec:reproducible_archives

For general information on 'Reproducible Builds', see https://reproducible-builds.org

The solution which worked best for me was as follows in my gradle file (note that I also remove the manifest date which can be changed by some tasks):

// Prevent manifest from changing every build
project.tasks.withType(Jar) {
    manifest.attributes Date: ''

// Prevent timestamps from appearing in JAR and use reproducible file order
tasks.withType(AbstractArchiveTask) {
    preserveFileTimestamps = false
    reproducibleFileOrder = true

Inspired from: https://dzone.com/articles/reproducible-builds-in-java

I had the same issue with Gradle builds. In my case, my .war file included many built .jar files.

In Gradle, the Jar and War tasks both are essentially variants of the Zip task, which has a property called "preserveFileTimestamps" (https://docs.gradle.org/current/dsl/org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling.Zip.html#org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling.Zip:preserveFileTimestamps) To make SHAs the same, use this property for both jar and war tasks, for example, somewhere in the build.gradle:

plugins.withType(WarPlugin).whenPluginAdded {
    war {
        preserveFileTimestamps = false
jar {
    preserveFileTimestamps = false

Also an interesting note, if you build on MacOS, make sure .DS_Store files don't get into the built archive, as it will also cause different SHAs.

To disable on MacOS, run this in the terminal:

defaults write com.apple.desktopservices DSDontWriteNetworkStores true

Then reboot it. You will still have to delete the existing .DS_Store files, so from inside your project folder, run:

find . -name '.DS_Store' -exec rm {} \;

If you want to make the SHAs the same even after building on different operating systems, set the reproducibleFileOrder property to true both for war and jar tasks, and make sure the umask is the same on both systems you build (apparently gradle includes the file attributes inside the war/jar files, and I had different SHAs when those attributes were different).

Finally, I was able to get the same SHAs of artifacts wherever I built.


A JAR file is a ZIP file and it contains a last modified date in its local file headers and central directory file header. This will lead to different hashes of your builds.

If you run the JAR command on the exact same set of files (with same file dates) and skip manifest file creation it should give you the exact same JAR file (if the order of files inside the ZIP does not change).