Why does the following program not select the argument of the same type as the first template parameter?

The second template argument of the std::enable_if should be the R, which is what you desire to have.

Following should work

 template < typename R, typename T, typename ...Ts>
 typename enable_if<!is_same<R, T>::value, R>::type f(T const& t, Ts&&... args) 
 //                                       ^^^         ^^^^^^^^^^^
       return f<R>(std::forward<Ts>(args)...); // forward the args further

Your code's first function parameter is in a non-deduced context. enable_if< expr, T >::type cannot deduce T. It is in a "non-deduced context".

Being unable to deduce T, foo<int>( 7 ) cannot use that overload; the compiler does not know what T is. foo<int,int>(7) would call it.

  template <typename R, typename T, typename ...Ts>
  typename enable_if<!is_same<R, T>::value, R>::type f(T a, Ts... args) 

now T is in a deduced context. We aren't trying to deduce R (nor can we deduce from a return type).