Why Does Room Delete Operation(With RxJava) Gives UI Thread Error Even Specifying Different Subcribe Thread?

Much more interesting question than it seems <3

To solve your problem, we must look at the code generated by Room - for the following:

@Query("DELETE FROM plants WHERE id IN (:listOfId)")
abstract fun deleteThings(listOfId: MutableList<String>): Maybe<Int>

The generated code is:

  public Maybe<Integer> deleteThings(final List<String> listOfId) {
    StringBuilder _stringBuilder = StringUtil.newStringBuilder();
    _stringBuilder.append("DELETE FROM plants WHERE id IN (");
    final int _inputSize = listOfId.size();
    StringUtil.appendPlaceholders(_stringBuilder, _inputSize);
    final String _sql = _stringBuilder.toString();
    SupportSQLiteStatement _stmt = __db.compileStatement(_sql);
    int _argIndex = 1;
    for (String _item : listOfId) {
      if (_item == null) {
      } else {
        _stmt.bindString(_argIndex, _item);
      _argIndex ++;
    return Maybe.fromCallable(new Callable<Integer>() {
      public Integer call() throws Exception {
        try {
          final java.lang.Integer _result = _stmt.executeUpdateDelete();
          return _result;
        } finally {

So we see that the operation itself IS inside a Maybe.fromCallable block, which is the part that will be affected by subscribeOn(Schedulers.io()). So if the executeUpdateDelete(); is executed on the background thread, why do you get an exception?

See this line:

SupportSQLiteStatement _stmt = __db.compileStatement(_sql);

If we check the inside of this method....

 * Wrapper for {@link SupportSQLiteDatabase#compileStatement(String)}.
 * @param sql The query to compile.
 * @return The compiled query.
public SupportSQLiteStatement compileStatement(@NonNull String sql) {
    assertNotMainThread(); // <-- BOOM!
    return mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase().compileStatement(sql);

So apparently even putting together the query is asserted to not be on the main thread, therefore having a Maybe is irrelevant; the block outside of the Maybe.fromCallable is executed on the current thread no matter what you do.

You can solve this by executing the "synchronously executed part" to execute on a background thread, too.

    Maybe.defer { 
    }, {

This is a bug, is already fixed and will be released with 2.1.0-alpha05