Why does Resharper not pick up my NUnit tests?

Removing the .ReSharper.user file from the source directory (in the same directory as the solution file) solved the same problem for me.

I had the same problem and i solved it like this:

  1. Go to Resharper Options -> Tools -> Unit Testing -> Unit testing providers
  2. Unselect anything but Nunit and press OK.
  3. It should work now and you can even reselect the providers that you disabled and it should still work.

There was a problem with the assembly. I'm not sure what. But I created a new blank class library, installed NUnit, Should and Moq. Then copied my classes from the previous assembly into the new one and voilá, everything worked.

I had a problem when it just stopped working for some reason.

The solution was to go Resharper->Options->Tools->"Unit Testing" in each sub item like NUnit, you will go and set checkbox for the tests you want to support. There will be something like "Enable NUnit 3x support".

Like this:

enter image description here