Why does my NTFS partition mount as read only?

Performing a full shutdown of Windows will allow the drives to be fully mounted by Ubuntu. This can be accomplished by holding the SHIFT key as you press the "Shut down" button on the "Power" menu.

Happened to me, all I did was

sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdxX # where x is HDD and X is drive number, in my case it was /dev/sda1

it will remove any logfile created by windows.

worked for me.

The system might not have the files for writing to NTFS partitions installed.

Try this in terminal:

sudo apt-get remove ntfsprogs && sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g

This removes ntfsprogs if it's present on the system, and installs ntfs-3g which should allow you to write properly to NTFS partitions.

Then reboot your system, and attempt to open the NTFS drive for write access. You should now be able to write to the NTFS drive.