Why does my google colab session keep crashing?

I'm not sure what is causing your specific crash, but a common cause is an out-of-memory error. It sounds like you're working with a large enough dataset that this is probable. You might try working with a subset of the dataset and see if the error recurs.

Otherwise, CoLab keeps logs in /var/log/colab-jupyter.log. You may be able to get more insight into what is going on by printing its contents. Either run:

!cat /var/log/colab-jupyter.log

Or, to get the messages alone (easier to read):

import json

with open("/var/log/colab-jupyter.log", "r") as fo:
  for line in fo:

Another cause - if you're using PyTorch and assign your model to the GPU, but don't assign an internal tensor to the GPU (e.g. a hidden layer).