Why does Mathematica order polynomial forms in reverse from traditional order?

As Daniel Lichtblau wrote in the comment you can use TraditionalForm

Expand[(x^2 - 1) ((-3 + x)^2 - 4)] // TraditionalForm

$x^4-6 x^3+4 x^2+6 x-5$

However, it works perfectly only with univariate polynomials

Expand[(x + y + 1)^5] // TraditionalForm

$x^5+5 x^4 y+5 x^4+10 x^3 y^2+20 x^3 y+10 x^3+10 x^2 y^3+30 x^2 y^2+30 x^2 y+10 x^2+5 x y^4+20 x y^3+30 x y^2+20 x y+5 x+y^5+5 y^4+10 y^3+10 y^2+5 y+1$

You can see that $5x$ is before $y^5$ and so on.

My solution consist in the manual sorting of monomials

OrderedForm = HoldForm[+##] & @@ MonomialList[#][[
     Ordering[Total[#] & @@@ CoefficientRules[#], All, GreaterEqual]]] &;

Expand[(x + y + 1)^5] // OrderedForm
x^5+5 x^4 y+10 x^3 y^2+10 x^2 y^3+5 x y^4+y^5+5 x^4+20 x^3 y+30 x^2 y^2+20 x y^3+5 y^4+
10 x^3+30 x^2 y+30 x y^2+10 y^3+10 x^2+20 x y+10 y^2+5 x+5 y+1