Why does Inner Join introduce a hidden sort?

I don't think the join is producing the sort

The group by sum is producing the sort
See the order by in the query plan

This might be faster
It breaks if the purpose is multiple accounts with same name

SELECT ah.Id, ah.FirstName, ah.LastName
    AccountHolders AS ah
    [dbo].[Accounts] AS a
    ah.Id = a.AccountHolderId
    ah.Id, ah.FirstName, ah.LastName
HAVING SUM(a.Balance) > @suppliedNumber 


SELECT ah.Id, ah.FirstName, ah.LastName
FROM AccountHolders AS ah
JOIN ( select AccountHolderId
       from [dbo].[Accounts] A
       GROUP BY Id 
       HAVING SUM(Balance) > @suppliedNumber 
     ) a
 on a.AccountHolderId = ah.ID  

As @sp_BlitzErik mentioned in his comment, the stream aggregate operator requires input to be sorted:

The Stream Aggregate operator groups rows by one or more columns and then calculates one or more aggregate expressions returned by the query. The output of this operator can be referenced by later operators in the query, returned to the client, or both. The Stream Aggregate operator requires input ordered by the columns within its groups. The optimizer will use a Sort operator prior to this operator if the data is not already sorted due to a prior Sort operator or due to an ordered index seek or scan. In the SHOWPLAN_ALL statement or the graphical execution plan in SQL Server Management Studio, the columns in the GROUP BY predicate are listed in the Argument column, and the aggregate expressions are listed in the Defined Values column.

If you add an index on FirstName, LastName you may see the sort go away (if the query optimizer decides to use the index).