Why does F10 in gnome-terminal open the right-click menu?

It's a feature. Go to Edit->Keyboard Shortcuts

And uncheck "Enable the menu shortcut key"

to turn it off.

Here is a simple solution for the problem described:

For GTK 3 apps like gnome-terminal and nautilus just create (or edit if you have one) the file ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css with following content:

$ cat ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
@binding-set NoKeyboardNavigation {
unbind "F10"

* {
gtk-key-bindings: NoKeyboardNavigation

For Fedora 17 you can find the bug report here


The workaround there is, create ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css file with following content:

@binding-set NoKeyboardNavigation {
    unbind "<shift>F10"

* {
    gtk-key-bindings: NoKeyboardNavigation