Why do my images shrink after loading with glide library

Use .dontAnimate() method to solve the issue.

                .using(new FirebaseImageLoader())

Actually you have to give fix width and height to your image container(ImageView).

    android:src="@drawable/sama" />

Then when you call glide you have to override your width and height dynamically with override method. This is maximum Width and height for you container.

                    .load("your url")


hope this can help you.

Anyway there are methods like .fitCenter() or .centerCrop() .Try using this methods in


Following helped me:

1) Used adjustViewBounds = "true" in your Image View -> This will make the image view maintain its aspect ratio according to its image when it draws/redraws/resizes

2) Set layout_width = match_parent and layout_height = wrap_content for the recycler view's item view xml, and also for the Image View.


Suppose Recycler view is set up with Grid Layout Manager having 2 columns in vertical orientation It will force the recycler view's item row's xml to be of half the screen width. Due to value of match_parent in the item row's and its chid's (imageview) layout_height attribute, it will result in image become half the screen's width. Now, due to adjustViewBounds = true, the image view would itself adjust its height to maintain the aspect ratio.