why component is not destroyed under v-if

This is the intended functionality for Vue. In order to let Vue know that the component shouldn't be reused but instead destroyed and create a different component, add a key attribute to the components.


<div v-if="show1">
    <my-comp title="comp1" key="somekeyhere"/>
<div v-else>
    <my-comp title="comp2" key="someotherkeyhere"/>

Note that you could also put the key attribute to the div, but I think it's cleaner to add it on the component since the div itself can be reused without issues.

Here's a little trick (or horrible hack if you like) if you want your component to always be destroyed when it is hidden (e.g. to save memory). Use NaN as the key. Since NaN is never equal to itself Vue will always think it is a different element.

  <div v-if="show1">
    <my-comp title="comp1" :key="NaN"/>
  <div v-if="!show1">
    <my-comp title="comp2" :key="NaN"/>

You need :key= rather than key= because otherwise the attribute will be a string with the value "NaN".

