Why Chrome always ask for keyring and is it possible to remove it without giving password?

Chrome asks for the password when your account is set for autologin. Doing this makes it so that the keyring doesn't load when you reset/reboot your system. This can also happen when the keyring password no longer matches the login password when autologin is not enabled. Or it is simply a bug between Chrome / Chromium and Seahorse.

Chrome is asking for the password to the keyring so it can access stored information in the keyring. You can view the keyring on your system by running the command seahorse from a terminal window. You can also just bypass the asking by closing the window and still get to your sites without a problem. Some of the security may not load properly.

However, you can use the following command from a terminal window to bypass the keyring asking:

google-chrome-stable --password-store=basic

Hope this helps!