Why can't Linux usernames begin with numbers?

Some commands (eg chown) can accept either a username or a numeric user ID, so allowing all-numeric usernames would break that.

A rule to allow names that start with a number and contain some alpha was probably considered not worth the effort; instead there is just a requirement to start with an alpha character.


It appears from the other responses that some distro's have subverted this limitation; in this case, according to the GNU Core Utils documentation:

POSIX requires that these commands first attempt to resolve the specified string as a name, and only once that fails, then try to interpret it as an ID.

$ useradd 1000   # on most systems this will fail with:
                 # useradd: invalid user name '1000'
$ mkdir /home/1000
$ chown -R 1000 /home/1000   # This will first try to map
    # to username "1000", but this may easily be misinterpreted.

Adding a user named '0' would just be asking for trouble (UID 0 == root user). However, note that group/user ID arguments can be preceded by a '+' to force their interpretation as an integer.

here is a test on ubuntu 14.04 using numbers:

root@ubuntu:~# useradd 232
root@ubuntu:~# mkdir /home/232
root@ubuntu:~# chown 232.232 /home/232
root@ubuntu:~# passwd 232
Enter new UNIX password: 
Retype new UNIX password: 
passwd: password updated successfully
root@ubuntu:~# login
c2 login: 232
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-22-generic x86_64)

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$ whoami

and one using unicode U+1F600 -

root@c2:~# useradd 
root@c2:~# mkdir /home/
root@c2:~# chown . /home/
root@c2:~# passwd 
Enter new UNIX password: 
Retype new UNIX password: 
passwd: password updated successfully
root@c2:~# login
c2 login: 
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-22-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:  https://help.ubuntu.com/

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applicable law.

$ whoami

This is probably the worst idea I had:

root@c2:~# useradd '&#%^()!@~*?<>=|'
root@c2:~# passwd '&#%^()!@~*?<>=|'
Enter new UNIX password: 
Retype new UNIX password: 
passwd: password updated successfully
root@c2:~# mkdir '/home/&#%^()!@~*?<>=|'
root@c2:~# chown '&#%^()!@~*?<>=|.&#%^()!@~*?<>=|' '/home/&#%^()!@~*?<>=|'
root@c2:~# login
c2 login: &#%^()!@~*?<>=|     
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-22-generic x86_64)
**** text removed ****
applicable law.

$ whoami

Clearly you can add such a user, although I'm not sure this is a good idea in the long run.

A *Nix username is generally a 32 character long string created by the utility useradd. This is, as you said, a direct result of early Unix (BSD technically) standards. According to the FreeBSD Man Page passwd(5):

The login name must not begin with a hyphen (`-'), and cannot contain 8-bit characters, tabs or spaces, or any of these symbols: `,:+&#%^()!@~*?<>=|/"'. The dollar symbol (`$') is allowed only as the last character for use with Samba. No field may contain a colon (`:') as this has been used historically to separate the fields in the user data- base.

Certain *Nix systems used to throw obscure errors when presented with special characters in usernames, so eventually, the special characters were banned. In most modern *Nix systems it would be relatively easy to change the passwd/useradd utilities to support special character usernames, but most people are hesitant to change such an unimportant thing, as it would have little effect and would cause backwards incompatibility.

As Adonis said, it is in fact possible to do this in a modern Linux distribution, however it is ill-advised (especially when encountering standardized or legacy programs).