Why can't I use a key function that returns a reference when sorting a vector with sort_by_key?

For now, you have to use the "long" form:

v.sort_by(|x, y| key(x).cmp(&key(y)));

Why am I getting these errors? Is there any way to fix them?

The cause and fix are one-and-the same: Rust is simply not currently expressive enough to represent what you want. The feature needed is called generic associated types (GATs); previously known as associated type constructors (ATCs) or higher-kinded types (HKTs).

From the associated issue:

For the sort_by_key call to be okay, the lifetime of the input reference [...] needs to be incorporated into B to make the return type &'a str, but B is a type parameter.

I don't know if the signature for sort_by_key will be able to be seamlessly moved to a GAT when they are implemented.

In similar cases where you control the signature of all the types, you can require that a reference be returned:

use std::cmp::Ordering;

struct User {
    name: String,

fn compare_keys<T, R>(a: T, b: T, key: impl Fn(&T) -> &R) -> Ordering
    for<'a> &'a R: Ord,
    let ak = key(&a);
    let bk = key(&b);

fn main() {
    let alice = User {
        name: String::from("alice"),
    let bob = User {
        name: String::from("bob"),

    compare_keys(alice, bob, |u| &u.name);

This is non-ideal because now you cannot return a non-reference, but there's simply no complete solution until GATs are implemented. You may be able to add a parallel methods like sort_by and sort_by_key, depending on your case.

As @Shepmaster explained you cannot have a sort_by_key function handling generic associated lifetimes for the return type of the key function, but here is a variant for a key function always returning a reference:

fn sort_by_key_ref<T, F, K>(a: &mut [T], key: F) 
    F: Fn(&T) -> &K,
    K: ?Sized + Ord,
    a.sort_by(|x, y| key(x).cmp(key(y)));

You could also write down the lifetime requirements for the key function:

    for<'a> F: Fn(&'a T) -> &'a K,

See example on playground.