Why can't I reset the password for another user on my computer?

It seems that the account to which you are trying to change the password is not a local account. I cannot be sure of it though, since you obfuscated the second line of the user ID.

Only local accounts have their password stored on the computer, and only such accounts can have it changed the way @Akina suggests.

  • If you are using your Microsoft accounts to log in, you need to use Microsoft's lost password procedure.
  • If you use Active Directory, tell your coworker to ask your company's IT support. Only domain admins can change AD account passwords.

You can tell your accounts use Active Directory if the second line in the user's profile is in the form Corporate name\User name.

Note: the normal procedure to chnage your password under AD is to press Ctrl+Alt+Del and choose "Change password", however, you will need your old password. Going to your support is only in case you have lost your password.

  • Right-click on the 'My computer' icon.
  • Select 'Computer Management' (or Management).
  • Select 'Local users and groups - Users'.
  • Select user, right-click, 'Set password'.

PS. If you have no admin priveleges, you'll be asked for an authentication as Administrator.