Why can't I increment a variable of an enumerated type?

I'm probably overlooking something obvious, but what's a good substitute?

Overloading operator++:

// Beware, brain-compiled code ahead! 
StackID& operator++(StackID& stackID)
  return stackID = static_cast<StackID>( ++static_cast<int>(stackID) );
  switch(stackID) {
    case value1 : return stackID = value2;
    case value2 : return stackID = value3;
    case valueN : return stackID = value1;
  return stackID; // some compilers might warn otherwise

StackID operator++(StackID& stackID, int)
  StackID tmp(stackID);
  return tmp;

Because enumerations do not have to be contiguous. E.g. take this example:

enum Colors {
 cRed, // = 0
 cBlue, // = 1
 cGreen = 3

What should happen in this scenario?

Colors color = cBlue;
Colors other = color++;

Should other be cGreen or should it be 2. In that case it's not a valid enumeration member anymore. What about this?

Colors color = cGreen;
Colors other = color++;

Should other be cRed (wrap around) or 4?

As you can see, being able to increment enumeration values introduces a whole lot of questions and complicates the simple mechanism that they intend to be.

If all you care about is the integer value being incremented, then simply cast to int and increment that.

Casting back and forth to/from int is of course the obvious solution, then you make clear that you understand that the addition is happening "outside" the enum:

nextAvail = static_cast<StackID>(static_cast<int>(nextAvail) + 1);

