Why can't a Generic Type Parameter have a lower bound in Java?

Basically, its not useful enough.

I think your example points out the only advantage of a lower bound, a feature the FAQ calls Restricted Instantiation:

The bottom line is: all that a " super " bound would buy you is the restriction that only supertypes of Number can be used as type arguments. ....

But as the other posts point out, the usefulness of even this feature can be limited.

Due to the nature of polymorphism and specialization, upper bounds are far more useful than lower bounds as described by the FAQ (Access To Non-Static Members and Type Erasure). I suspect the complexity introduced by lower bounds aren't worth its limited value.

OP: I want to add I think you did show it is useful, just not useful enough. Come up with the irrefutable killer use cases and I'll back the JSR. :-)

the spec does talk about lower bounds of type parameters, for example


a type variable is a direct supertype of its lower bound.


a fresh type variable ... whose lower bound

It appears that a type variable only has a (non-null) lower bound if it's a synthetic one as result of wildcard capture. What if the language allow lower bounds on all type parameters? Probably it doesn't cause a lot of trouble, and it's excluded only to keep generics simpler (well ...) Update it is said that theoretical investigation of lower bounded type parameters is not thoroughly conducted.

Update: a paper claiming lower bounds are ok: "Java Type Infererence Is Broken: Can We Fix It" by Daniel Smith

RETRACT: the following argument is wrong. OP's example is legitimate.

Your particular example is not very convincing. First it's not type safe. The returned list is indeed a List<String>, it's unsafe to view it as another type. Suppose your code compiles:

    List<CharSequence> l2 = createArrayListFullOfEmptyStrings(5);

then we can add non-String to it, which is wrong

    CharSequence chars = new StringBuilder();

Well a List<String> is not, but somewhat like a list of CharSequence. Your need can be solved by using wildcard:

public static  List<String> createArrayListFullOfEmptyStrings(int size)  

// a list of some specific subtype of CharSequence 
List<? extends CharSequence> l2 = createArrayListFullOfEmptyStrings(5);

// legal. can retrieve elements as CharSequence
CharSequence chars = l2.get(0);

// illegal, won't compile. cannot insert elements as CharSequence
l2.add(new StringBuilder());