Why are my JS promise catch error objects empty?

For whoever wondering why the throw error() is just an empty object, it is because you need to log it as error.message accessing it message property.

The problem with an empty object occurs when you trying to use JSON.stringify

const error = new Error('Oops');
const output = JSON.stringify(error);
console.log(output); // {}
const error = new Error('Oops');
const output = JSON.stringify(error.message); // <--- Use error.message to fix that
console.log(output); // "Oops"


Logging the error object to console by itself will reveal that the object is indeed not empty and grabbing properties such as err.message is very doable.

The problem is that JS Error object cannot be naively stringified using JSON. This - along with ways to deal with this problem - are described in detail in the associated SOF Question: Is it not possible to stringify an Error using JSON.stringify?.

Updated code:

The following code changes were made to specify the message be shown in the HTTP response and the helper function (previously described) has been updated to specific the details of the error to be shown: Ex: { err: { message: err.message, stack: err.stack } } and so on.

    var console = clim("(DELETE /api/v1/team/:team/comments/:comment):", logger);

    // create a filters request for mongoose
    var query = {};

    // determine if the :team param is a username or an object id
    req.helpers.validateObjectId(req.db, req.params.team) ? query._id = req.params.team : query.name = req.params.team;

    if(req.helpers.validateObjectId(req.db, req.params.comment)) {

        // looks good; create an update object
        var update = { $pull: { comments: { _id: req.params.comment } } };

        // find the comment using the query above and pull the comment id
            {safe: true, new : true}


                // create the response object
                var response = {
                    success: false,
                    message: "Team not found"

                // log request
                console.info(req.helpers.consoleMessage(req, response, null));

                // respond with an appropriate array


                // create the response object using the teams's comments
                var response = team.comments;

                // log request
                console.info(req.helpers.consoleMessage(req, response, null));

                // respond with the team comments array


        }).then(null, function(err){

            // create the response
            var response = { success: false, message: req.config.debug ? err.message : "An error has occur with your request; please try again" };

            // log the errors
            console.error(req.helpers.consoleMessage(req, response, err));

            // or send a 500 internal server error



        // create the response
        var response = { success: false, message: "Comment id is not a valid object id" };

        // log the errors
        console.info(req.helpers.consoleMessage(req, response, null));

        // or send a 500 internal server error


Why am I sharing such a simple concept?

I searched for hours trying to figure out what I was doing incorrectly with my promise chain structures and used the keywords empty and error (along with every combination of words regarding JS Promises) but none of my searches came up with anything useful other than confirming that I was approaching this correctly. Everything appeared to be fine with my helper script and I couldn't seem to do the right debugging steps to figure out where the problem was until I happened upon trying to output the err object directly into the console (why would I need to do this? I already was... or so I thought).

So I guess you could say I'm trying to save some folks some time in case anyone runs into a similar situation and is thinking "why are my promises not working as intended!" and, like me, happen to be searching in the incorrect direction.

Happy Coding!