Why are constraints applied in the database rather than the code?


  1. I want all the data in the database to be subject to the same constraints, not just the new data to be subject to the constraints in the version of the code that's running today.
  2. I want declarative constraints, not programmatic constraints.
  3. Data in the database often outlives the code that's written to interact with it today. And that data -- not the code -- is the organisation's asset.
  4. My code becomes much simpler when I know that all data is subject to rigorous constraints. I no longer have to consider special cases which I know that the database guarantees to be impossible.

Just some reasons that are important to me.

Some constraints are best enforced in the database, and some are best enforced in the application.

Constraints that are best enforced in the database are usually there because they are fundamental to the structure of the data model, such as a foreign key contraint to ensure that a product has a valid category_id.

Constraints that are enforced in an application might not be fundamental to the data model, such as all FooBar products must be blue - but later someone might decide that FooBars can also be yellow. This is application logic that doesn't really need to be in the database, though you could create a separate colours table and the database can require that the product reference a valid entry from that table. BUT the decision that the only record in colours has the value blue would still come from somewhere outside the database.

Consider what would happen if you had no constraints in the database, and required them to all be enforced in the application. What would happen if you had more than one application that needed to work with the data? What would your data look like if the different applications decide to enforce contraints differently?

Your example shows a situation where it might have been more beneficial to have the constraint in the application rather than in the database, but perhaps there was a fundamental problem with the initial data model being too restrictive and inflexible?

The data will likely long outlive the application code. If the rule is critical to the data being useful over time (like foreign key constraints that help keep the integrity of the data), it must be in the database. Otherwise you risk losing the constraint in a new application that hits the database. Not only do multiple applications hit databases (Including some that might not realize there is an important data rule) but some of them such as data imports or reporting applications may not be able to use the data layer set up in the main data entry application. An frankly, the chances of there being a bug in the constraint are much higher in application code in my experience.

In my personal opinion (based on over 30 years of dealing with data and experience with hundreds of different databases used for many different purposes) anyone who doesn't put the contraints in the database where they belong will eventually have poor data. Sometimes bad data to the point of being unusable. This is especially true where you have financial/regulatory data that needs to meet certain criteria for auditing.