Why am I getting the "MySQL server has gone away" exception in Django?

I had exactly the same issue than yours. I implemented a monitoring script using watchdogs library, and, by the end of "wait_timeout", MySQL error would be raised.

After a few tries with "django.db.close_old_connections()" function, it still did not work, but I was attempting to close old connections every defined time interval, which was not working. I changed the close command to run only before the call of my custom management command (which is the command that will interact with db and used to crash with MySQL error) and it started to work.

Apparently from this page, the reason why that happen is because the "close_old_connection" function is linked only to HTTP request signals, so it will not be fired in specific custom scripts. The documentation of Django doesn't tell that, and I honestly also understood things the same way you were understanding.

So, what you can try to do is to add the call to close old connection before interacting with db:

from django.db import close_old_connections