Which is faster, Hash lookup or Binary search?

The answers by Bobby, Bill and Corbin are wrong. O(1) is not slower than O(log n) for a fixed/bounded n:

log(n) is constant, so it depends on the constant time.

And for a slow hash function, ever heard of md5?

The default string hashing algorithm probably touches all characters, and can be easily 100 times slower than the average compare for long string keys. Been there, done that.

You might be able to (partially) use a radix. If you can split up in 256 approximately same size blocks, you're looking at 2k to 40k binary search. That is likely to provide much better performance.

[Edit] Too many people voting down what they do not understand.

String compares for binary searching sorted sets have a very interesting property: they get slower the closer they get to the target. First they will break on the first character, in the end only on the last. Assuming a constant time for them is incorrect.

For very small collections the difference is going to be negligible. At the low end of your range (500k items) you will start to see a difference if you're doing lots of lookups. A binary search is going to be O(log n), whereas a hash lookup will be O(1), amortized. That's not the same as truly constant, but you would still have to have a pretty terrible hash function to get worse performance than a binary search.

(When I say "terrible hash", I mean something like:

    return 0;

Yeah, it's blazing fast itself, but causes your hash map to become a linked list.)

ialiashkevich wrote some C# code using an array and a Dictionary to compare the two methods, but it used Long values for keys. I wanted to test something that would actually execute a hash function during the lookup, so I modified that code. I changed it to use String values, and I refactored the populate and lookup sections into their own methods so it's easier to see in a profiler. I also left in the code that used Long values, just as a point of comparison. Finally, I got rid of the custom binary search function and used the one in the Array class.

Here's that code:

class Program
    private const long capacity = 10_000_000;

    private static void Main(string[] args)


    private static void testStringValues()
        Dictionary<String, String> dict = new Dictionary<String, String>();
        String[] arr = new String[capacity];
        Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

        Console.WriteLine("" + capacity + " String values...");



        Console.WriteLine("Populate String Array:      " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);


        populateStringDictionary(dict, arr);

        Console.WriteLine("Populate String Dictionary: " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);



        Console.WriteLine("Sort String Array:          " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);


        searchStringDictionary(dict, arr);

        Console.WriteLine("Search String Dictionary:   " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);



        Console.WriteLine("Search String Array:        " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);


    /* Populate an array with random values. */
    private static void populateStringArray(String[] arr)
        for (long i = 0; i < capacity; i++)
            arr[i] = generateRandomString(20) + i; // concatenate i to guarantee uniqueness

    /* Populate a dictionary with values from an array. */
    private static void populateStringDictionary(Dictionary<String, String> dict, String[] arr)
        for (long i = 0; i < capacity; i++)
            dict.Add(arr[i], arr[i]);

    /* Search a Dictionary for each value in an array. */
    private static void searchStringDictionary(Dictionary<String, String> dict, String[] arr)
        for (long i = 0; i < capacity; i++)
            String value = dict[arr[i]];

    /* Do a binary search for each value in an array. */
    private static void searchStringArray(String[] arr)
        for (long i = 0; i < capacity; i++)
            int index = Array.BinarySearch(arr, arr[i]);

    private static void testLongValues()
        Dictionary<long, long> dict = new Dictionary<long, long>(Int16.MaxValue);
        long[] arr = new long[capacity];
        Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

        Console.WriteLine("" + capacity + " Long values...");



        Console.WriteLine("Populate Long Dictionary: " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);



        Console.WriteLine("Populate Long Array:      " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);



        Console.WriteLine("Search Long Dictionary:   " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);



        Console.WriteLine("Search Long Array:        " + stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds);

    /* Populate an array with long values. */
    private static void populateLongArray(long[] arr)
        for (long i = 0; i < capacity; i++)
            arr[i] = i;

    /* Populate a dictionary with long key/value pairs. */
    private static void populateLongDictionary(Dictionary<long, long> dict)
        for (long i = 0; i < capacity; i++)
            dict.Add(i, i);

    /* Search a Dictionary for each value in a range. */
    private static void searchLongDictionary(Dictionary<long, long> dict)
        for (long i = 0; i < capacity; i++)
            long value = dict[i];

    /* Do a binary search for each value in an array. */
    private static void searchLongArray(long[] arr)
        for (long i = 0; i < capacity; i++)
            int index = Array.BinarySearch(arr, arr[i]);

     * Generate a random string of a given length.
     * Implementation from https://stackoverflow.com/a/1344258/1288
    private static String generateRandomString(int length)
        var chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";
        var stringChars = new char[length];
        var random = new Random();

        for (int i = 0; i < stringChars.Length; i++)
            stringChars[i] = chars[random.Next(chars.Length)];

        return new String(stringChars);

Here are the results with several different sizes of collections. (Times are in milliseconds.)

500000 Long values...
Populate Long Dictionary: 26
Populate Long Array: 2
Search Long Dictionary: 9
Search Long Array: 80

500000 String values...
Populate String Array: 1237
Populate String Dictionary: 46
Sort String Array: 1755
Search String Dictionary: 27
Search String Array: 1569

1000000 Long values...
Populate Long Dictionary: 58
Populate Long Array: 5
Search Long Dictionary: 23
Search Long Array: 136

1000000 String values...
Populate String Array: 2070
Populate String Dictionary: 121
Sort String Array: 3579
Search String Dictionary: 58
Search String Array: 3267

3000000 Long values...
Populate Long Dictionary: 207
Populate Long Array: 14
Search Long Dictionary: 75
Search Long Array: 435

3000000 String values...
Populate String Array: 5553
Populate String Dictionary: 449
Sort String Array: 11695
Search String Dictionary: 194
Search String Array: 10594

10000000 Long values...
Populate Long Dictionary: 521
Populate Long Array: 47
Search Long Dictionary: 202
Search Long Array: 1181

10000000 String values...
Populate String Array: 18119
Populate String Dictionary: 1088
Sort String Array: 28174
Search String Dictionary: 747
Search String Array: 26503

And for comparison, here's the profiler output for the last run of the program (10 million records and lookups). I highlighted the relevant functions. They pretty closely agree with the Stopwatch timing metrics above.

Profiler output for 10 million records and lookups

You can see that the Dictionary lookups are much faster than binary search, and (as expected) the difference is more pronounced the larger the collection. So, if you have a reasonable hashing function (fairly quick with few collisions), a hash lookup should beat binary search for collections in this range.