Which color gradient is used to color mandelbrot in wikipedia?

Well, I did some reverse engineering on the colours used in wikipedia using the Photoshop eyedropper. There are 16 colours in this gradient:

  R   G   B
 66  30  15 # brown 3
 25   7  26 # dark violett
  9   1  47 # darkest blue
  4   4  73 # blue 5
  0   7 100 # blue 4
 12  44 138 # blue 3
 24  82 177 # blue 2
 57 125 209 # blue 1
134 181 229 # blue 0
211 236 248 # lightest blue
241 233 191 # lightest yellow
248 201  95 # light yellow
255 170   0 # dirty yellow
204 128   0 # brown 0
153  87   0 # brown 1
106  52   3 # brown 2

Simply using a modulo and an QColor array allows me to iterate through all colours in the gradient:

if (n < MAX_ITERATIONS && n > 0) {
    int i = n % 16;
    QColor mapping[16];
    mapping[0].setRgb(66, 30, 15);
    mapping[1].setRgb(25, 7, 26);
    mapping[2].setRgb(9, 1, 47);
    mapping[3].setRgb(4, 4, 73);
    mapping[4].setRgb(0, 7, 100);
    mapping[5].setRgb(12, 44, 138);
    mapping[6].setRgb(24, 82, 177);
    mapping[7].setRgb(57, 125, 209);
    mapping[8].setRgb(134, 181, 229);
    mapping[9].setRgb(211, 236, 248);
    mapping[10].setRgb(241, 233, 191);
    mapping[11].setRgb(248, 201, 95);
    mapping[12].setRgb(255, 170, 0);
    mapping[13].setRgb(204, 128, 0);
    mapping[14].setRgb(153, 87, 0);
    mapping[15].setRgb(106, 52, 3);
    return mapping[i];
else return Qt::black;

The result looks pretty much like what I was looking for:

Mandelbrot set


The gradient is probably from Ultra Fractal. It is defined by 5 control points:

Position = 0.0     Color = (  0,   7, 100)
Position = 0.16    Color = ( 32, 107, 203)
Position = 0.42    Color = (237, 255, 255)
Position = 0.6425  Color = (255, 170,   0)
Position = 0.8575  Color = (  0,   2,   0)

where Position is in range [0, 1) and Color is RGB in range [0, 255].

The catch is that the colors are not linearly interpolated. The interpolation of colors is likely cubic (or something similar). Following image shows the difference between linear and Monotone cubic interpolation:

Linear vs cubic gradient

As you can see the cubic interpolation results in smoother and "prettier" gradient. I used monotone cubic interpolation to avoid "overshooting" of the [0, 255] color range that can be caused by cubic interpolation. Monotone cubic ensures that interpolated values are always in the range of input points.

I use following code to compute the color based on iteration i:

double smoothed = Math.Log2(Math.Log2(re * re + im * im) / 2);  // log_2(log_2(|p|))
int colorI = (int)(Math.Sqrt(i + 10 - smoothed) * gradient.Scale) % colors.Length;
Color color = colors[colorI];

where i is the diverged iteration number, re and im are diverged coordinates, gradient.Scale is 256, and the colors is and array with pre-computed gradient colors showed above. Its length is 2048 in this case.