Where to leave the test leads on a Fluke multimeter

The slots are designed also to hold one of the probes so that you can hold the meter and one probe with one hand and the other probe in the other hand. This comes in handy when working on equipment in the field when you can't put the meter down.

As a long-suffering hobbyist happy to finally have a grown-up multimeter, I was surprised this wasn't more intuitive. I think I've worked out a decent way to wrap it:

Leads remain plugged into terminals, wires wrap around sideways. Start at the bottom and wind your way up towards the dial. For the last wrap across the face, angle back down towards the terminals. Then on the back hook the leads under the lip of the tilt stand and route them out the notch. The probes will just reach their slots with a bit of stress relief and the foot of the kickstand should keep them from unwinding.

It took me a few tries to wrap so there was enough (but not too much) slack, but after getting the hang of it I can wrap it fairly quickly without worrying too much about the precision of it.

I'm not sure if this is less or more stressful to the leads than the alternatives—but to avoid loose, tangled wires without a pouch? I'll take my chances!

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Vertical wrap works great! Check out my pics. Multimeter vertical wrap 1 Mutilmeter vertical wrap 2