Where to find System.DirectoryServices in ASP.NET Core 2.0?

As I see it now in NetCore 2.2 there is support for this package:


You can find it in nuget.

Author is Microsoft and

Date Published: Tuesday, May 29, 2018 (5/29/2018)

I have a better solution for this thread. I found a Nuget package (it's in Pre-Release) called "Microsoft.Windows.Compatibility" that provides the System.DirectoryServices namespace you are looking for. Just search Nuget, make sure you have the Pre-Release option checked, and you will find it. Most everything will work once you get it. Just make sure to update the package later on, when it's finalized. Hope that helps someone, took me a couple weeks to track it down.

Unfortunately, System.DirectoryServices are scheduled for .net core 2.1 not .net core 2.0.

https://github.com/dotnet/corefx/issues/2089 is the original issue log