Where to find composer's global packages?

You can query Composer to find where it has set the user $COMPOSER_HOME directory.

composer config --list --global

The '[home]' line refers to the default value of $COMPOSER_HOME.

Just as a final confirmation - the 'yourname' part in the configuration, would very likely need to be updated with your own Windows username - composer config will say where it put the files.

You can use

composer global config bin-dir --absolute


PATH=$(composer global config bin-dir --absolute --quiet):$PATH

You need --absolute to get value expanded, and --quiet to discard diagnostics of composer global changing working directory. This was tested with composer 1.10.16 and 2.0.1.

See https://github.com/composer/composer/issues/9354#issuecomment-716827067

You may find in ~/.config/composer/vendor/bin