Apple - Where does MacVim keep its themes?

By default, you should put custom colorschemes/themes into: ~/.vim/colors

Note that you may need to create the .vim directory in your home directory if it does not already exist.

After doing so, your :colorscheme command should automatically pick up the theme.

This is what I have in my ~/.vimrc

if has("gui_running")
  syntax on
  set hlsearch
  colorscheme macvim
  set bs=2
  set ai
  set ruler

Where does macvim keep it's themes?

The themes that MacVim ships with can be found in


but MacVim will also load any custom themes you have on disk. I use the rather awesome Janus plugin distribution with MacVim and Janus keeps all of its themes in ~/.vim/janus/vim/colors. MacVim will load this in as well as the defaults.

But the theme remains unchanged. What am I doing wrong?

MacVim loads both ~/.vimrc and ~/.gvimrc, in that order. Make sure that settings in ~/.gvimrc aren't clobbering settings you're making in your ~/.vimrc file.

