Where can I find LaTeX and its package installation guide in details?

The full TeXLive installation comes with the documentation of its packages, usually under the path /usr/local/texlive/2016/tex-dist/doc/.

The full installation takes about 4Gb, and is easiest done via the install-tl script that can be found here. More information how to install in this way can be found in this related question

  • How to install vanilla-TeXLive on Debian or Ubuntu

In the documentation you can find various helpful LaTeX introductions, such as

  • firstlatexdoc which shows you to get your first document
  • lshort which gives you a very good introduction into various aspects
  • latex4wp which has a focus on word processor users
  • latexcheat a cheat sheet overview
  • l2tabu an overview of bad practices
  • latex-doc-ptr an overview where to find more information
  • latex2e-help-texinfo the (un-)official reference manual
  • comprehensive an overview of an abundance of symbols and commands

You can directly load the corresponding pdf of the documentation by typing e.g. texdoc lshort on the command line.

Furthermore, as these documentation documents include their .tex sources, you can even search the documentation via grep, or using the following script.

You can find more information concerning references and documentation on the TeX Users Group web site or their links to further documentation, where you can also find recommendations for books and where you can download numerous resources.

Also have a look at the related question for more information, where you can find numerous links to pdf-files and Ebooks available for download:

  • What are good learning resources for a LaTeX beginner?

Another good resource is the TeX Catalogue, which I prefer in the form of a Topical Index. Here you can also find a list of packages that might be interesting for your purpose, eg. for Computer science. It might be sufficient to just download or even print this list, as you need only the package names to find them in the documentation tree of TeXLive.


For windows






For Linux




Complete LaTeX package both Windows and Linux



In Ubuntu: type Ctrl-Alt-T to get a command line. Type sudo apt-get install texlive-full to get a complete tex installation. This includes documentation using the command line command texdoc. You might like to have some books on TeX as well, for example Knuth's The TeXbook.