Where can i find info.plist file?

Info.plist location


Build Settings -> Info.plist File(INFOPLIST_FILE)

When you create a new Bundle(Application, Framework, Tests), Xcode automatically save it into a place which you can find simply in Build Settings. But sometimes it is not so simple to find it, for example using CocoaPods

During refactoring or others situations the Info.plist path can be changed and Xcode do not automatically change Build Settings and you get

Build input file cannot be found: 'some_path/Info.plist' (in target 'SomeTarget' from project 'SomeProject')

You can fix it finding a file and modifying settings

File -> Open Quickly -> Find the correct one -> Reveal in Project Navigator -> update Info.plist File in the Build Settings

The Info.plist file is by default located in the root folder of your application's bundle, it's derived from the {ProjectName}-Info.plist file in the Xcode project. By default it's listed in a group called Supporting Files.

The app I was developing had some custom settings and in my case the Info.plist file was in a different place.

Here is how I look for it. (the safest way)

In xCode:

  • Click on the project (name)
  • Click "Build Settings"
  • Look for Packaging group
  • Inside packaging group you will find your Info.plist file

In JetBrains AppCode:

  • right click on project (name)
  • click on "Project Settings"
  • Select your Project in the above frame
  • Look for "Info.plist File"

If you are using flutter the path is project-name\ios\Runner\Info.plist