Where can I find Amazon Linux AMI Image for VirtualBox?

I know this is an older question but you can now download pre-rolled HD images of Amazon linux for VMWare, VirtualBox, and HyperV here https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/amazon-linux-2-virtual-machine.html You have to create a meta ISO with user data to help with the install but it should be possible to create a working local Amazon Linux instance for testing.

** EDIT**

I found this repo which worked great for me creating a Virtualbox .box image for Vagrant. Oddly, the image doesn't work when trying to import into Vagrant on Windows but I think that's a Virtualbox bug. It looks like there is a minor bug w/ the scripts when trying to install guest additions which I'm working on a PR for.

** EDIT **

The repo was updated for proper guest additions AND has added VMWare support.

You can't use AMIs in Virtualbox -- there's no way to export an AMI such that this would be possible.

You can find a list of all AMIs here. Note that most of them haven't been released by Amazon, but by a third party.

You can also extract the AMI via creating an instance and install packer. http://www.packer.io/