Where are the rpm files after installation using yum?

The rpm cache directory location can be found in /etc/yum.conf


You should change the $basearch and $releasever, values based on your red hat release version.

If you want to keep the rpm cache after installation the keep cache value should be set 1 in:




Take a look under /var/cache/yum directory.

They should be there unless you have some kind of autocleanup going on. If you do, try this command:

find /var/cache/yum -iname '*.rpm' –

If there's nothing there, see the cachedir variable in /etc/yum.conf and check out what's the current directory for storing packages. It can also be that tmpwatch or some other daily cron cleanup has cleared the /var/cache/yum.

You also can install the download only plugin for yum which causes the rpms to be downloaded to the cache directory but not installed.

yum install yum-plugin-downloadonly

Then use it with the --downloadonly flag.

yum install --downloadonly -y wireshark

Then you will find the rpms in the cache directory as set by your /etc/yum.conf

e.g cachedir=/var/tmp/yum/cache/$basearch/$releasever