When to use pandas series, numpy ndarrays or simply python dictionaries?

If you want to an answer which tells you to stick with just one type of data structures, here goes one: use pandas series/dataframe structures.

The pandas series object can be seen as an enhanced numpy 1D array and the pandas dataframe can be seen as an enhanced numpy 2D array. The main difference is that pandas series and pandas dataframes has explicit index, while numpy arrays has implicit indexation. So, in any python code that you think to use something like

import numpy as np
a = np.array([1,2,3])

you can just use

import pandas as pd
a = pd.Series([1,2,3])

All the functions and methods from numpy arrays will work with pandas series. In analogy, the same can be done with dataframes and numpy 2D arrays.

A further question you might have can be about the performance differences between a numpy array and pandas series. Here is a post that shows the differences in performance using these two tools: performance of pandas series vs numpy arrays.

Please note that even in an explicit way pandas series has a subtle worse in performance when compared to numpy, you can solve this by just calling the values method on a pandas series:


The result of apply the values method on a pandas series will be a numpy array!

Numpy is very fast with arrays, matrix, math. Pandas series have indexes, sometimes it's very useful to sort or join data. Dictionaries is a slow beast, but sometimes it's very handy too. So, as it was already was mentioned, it depends on use case which data types and tools to use.

The rule of thumb that I usually apply: use the simplest data structure that still satisfies your needs. If we rank the data structures from most simple to least simple, it usually ends up like this:

  1. Dictionaries / lists
  2. Numpy arrays
  3. Pandas series / dataframes

So first consider dictionaries / lists. If these allow you to do all data operations that you need, then all is fine. If not, start considering numpy arrays. Some typical reasons for moving to numpy arrays are:

  • Your data is 2-dimensional (or higher). Although nested dictionaries/lists can be used to represent multi-dimensional data, in most situations numpy arrays will be more efficient.
  • You have to perform a bunch of numerical calculations. As already pointed out by zhqiat, numpy will give a significant speed-up in this case. Furthermore numpy arrays come bundled with a large amount of mathematical functions.

Then there are also some typical reasons for going beyond numpy arrays and to the more-complex but also more-powerful pandas series/dataframes:

  • You have to merge multiple data sets with each other, or do reshaping/reordering of your data. This diagram gives a nice overview of all the 'data wrangling' operations that pandas allows you to do.
  • You have to import data from or export data to a specific file format like Excel, HDF5 or SQL. Pandas comes with convenient import/export functions for this.

Pandas in general is used for financial time series data/economics data (it has a lot of built in helpers to handle financial data).

Numpy is a fast way to handle large arrays multidimensional arrays for scientific computing (scipy also helps). It also has easy handling for what are called sparse arrays (large arrays with very little data in them).

One of key advantages of numpy is the C bindings that allow for massive speeds ups in large array computation along with some built in functions for things like linear algebra/ signal processing capabilities.

Both packages address some of the deficiencies that were identified with the existing built-in data types with python. As a general rule of thumb, with incomplete real world data (NaNs, outliers, etc), you will end up needing to write all types of functions that address these issues; with the above packages you can build on the work of others. If your program is generating the data for your data type internally, you can probably use the more simplistic native data structures (not just python dictionaries).

See the post by the author of Pandas for some comparison