When to use generic methods and when to use wild-card?

In your first question: It means that if there is a relation between the parameter's type and the method's return type then use a generic.

For example:

public <T> T giveMeMaximum(Collection<T> items);
public <T> Collection<T> applyFilter(Collection<T> items);

Here you are extracting some of the T following a certain criteria. If T is Long your methods will return Long and Collection<Long>; the actual return type is dependent on the parameter type, thus it is useful, and advised, to use generic types.

When this is not the case you can use wild card types:

public int count(Collection<?> items);
public boolean containsDuplicate(Collection<?> items);

In this two example whatever the type of the items in the collections the return types will be int and boolean.

In your examples:

interface Collection<E> {
    public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c);
    public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends E> c);

those two functions will return a boolean whatever is the types of the items in the collections. In the second case it is limited to instances of a subclass of E.

Second question:

class Collections {
    public static <T> void copy(List<T> dest, List<? extends T> src) {

This first code allow you to pass an heterogeneous List<? extends T> src as a parameter. This list can contain multiple elements of different classes as long as they all extends the base class T.

if you had:

interface Fruit{}


class Apple implements Fruit{}
class Pear implements Fruit{}
class Tomato implements Fruit{}

you could do

List<? extends Fruit> basket = new ArrayList<? extends Fruit>();
basket.add(new Apple());
basket.add(new Pear());
basket.add(new Tomato());
List<Fruit> fridge = new ArrayList<Fruit>(); 

Collections.copy(fridge, basket);// works 

On the other hand

class Collections {
    public static <T, S extends T> void copy(List<T> dest, List<S> src) {

constrain List<S> src to be of one particular class S that is a subclass of T. The list can only contain elements of one class (in this instance S) and no other class, even if they implement T too. You wouldn't be able to use my previous example but you could do:

List<Apple> basket = new ArrayList<Apple>();
basket.add(new Apple());
basket.add(new Apple());
basket.add(new Apple());
List<Fruit> fridge = new ArrayList<Fruit>();

Collections.copy(fridge, basket); /* works since the basket is defined as a List of apples and not a list of some fruits. */

Consider following example from The Java Programming by James Gosling 4th edition below where we want to merge 2 SinglyLinkQueue:

public static <T1, T2 extends T1> void merge(SinglyLinkQueue<T1> d, SinglyLinkQueue<T2> s){
    // merge s element into d

public static <T> void merge(SinglyLinkQueue<T> d, SinglyLinkQueue<? extends T> s){
        // merge s element into d

Both of the above methods have the same functionality. So which is preferable? Answer is 2nd one. In the author's own words :

"The general rule is to use wildcards when you can because code with wildcards is generally more readable than code with multiple type parameters. When deciding if you need a type variable, ask yourself if that type variable is used to relate two or more parameters, or to relate a parameter type with the return type. If the answer is no, then a wildcard should suffice."

Note: In book only second method is given and type parameter name is S instead of 'T'. First method is not there in the book.

There are certain places, where wildcards, and type parameters do the same thing. But there are also certain places, where you have to use type parameters.

  1. If you want to enforce some relationship on the different types of method arguments, you can't do that with wildcards, you have to use type parameters.

Taking your method as example, suppose you want to ensure that the src and dest list passed to copy() method should be of same parameterized type, you can do it with type parameters like so:

public static <T extends Number> void copy(List<T> dest, List<T> src)

Here, you are ensured that both dest and src have same parameterized type for List. So, it's safe to copy elements from src to dest.

But, if you go on to change the method to use wildcard:

public static void copy(List<? extends Number> dest, List<? extends Number> src)

it won't work as expected. In 2nd case, you can pass List<Integer> and List<Float> as dest and src. So, moving elements from src to dest wouldn't be type safe anymore. If you don't need such kind of relation, then you are free not to use type parameters at all.

Some other difference between using wildcards and type parameters are:

  • If you have only one parameterized type argument, then you can use wildcard, although type parameter will also work.
  • Type parameters support multiple bounds, wildcards don't.
  • Wildcards support both upper and lower bounds, type parameters just support upper bounds. So, if you want to define a method that takes a List of type Integer or it's super class, you can do:

    public void print(List<? super Integer> list)  // OK

    but you can't use type parameter:

     public <T super Integer> void print(List<T> list)  // Won't compile


  • Angelika Langer's Java Generics FAQs