When to use Dependency Properties

You should only use a DependencyProperty when you want to be able to bind its value to something through XAML, e.g.

<local:MyObject MyDependencyProperty="{Binding ...}" />

Update: as mentioned by Ian below, dependency properties are also required if you want to be able to animate your property or set it through a style

If you do not need to work in this way then it is unnecessary. e.g. If you just want to be able to set the value to a constant through XAML (as below) this will work without using a DependencyProperty

<local:MyObject MyRegularProperty="Some Value" />

Similarly, if you want to bind to the value of a property on (for example) your view model:

<TextBlock Text="{Binding MyViewModelProperty}" />

then you do not need to use a DependencyProperty. Provided that you implement INotifyPropertyChanged then the Text will still be updated when the property changes.

Edit: on re-reading your question, I am not sure whether or not your situation will be affected by whether or not you use a DependencyProperty - if I'm reading it correctly, all you want to do is cause a number of properties to be updated on the UI when any one of those properties changes, right?

I don't think there is anything wrong with how you are implementing things at the moment (i.e. raising a lot of PropertyChanged events in each setter), but if you aren't keen on in then you could try having a single property that exposes relevant child properties to bind to that are all calculated:

class ColorWrapper
    public Color Color  { get; set; }
    public byte Hue
        get { return this.Color.Hue; } //or however this is calculated

Then have a Color property on your ViewModel that raises the PropertyChanged event and bind to that through the View:

<TextBlock Text="{Binding Color.Hue}" />

As I said, I wouldn't say that this is particularly an improvement on what you have already though.

The general rules are:

  • For XAML controls, use dependency properties;

  • For data (which you bind to in the interface), use INotifyPropertyChanged.

There are exceptions, but they are rare.

Another use of dependency properties is with navigation journal. Custom dependency properties on a Page with Juornal flag in the meta-data are included in the state that WPF saves for the page.