When to rewrite a code base from scratch

I have had such an application, and rewrite was very rewarding. However, you should try to aviod the "improvement" trap.

When you rewrite everything, it is very tempting to add new features and fix some long-standing issues you didn't have the guts to touch. This can lead to feature creep and also extend the time needed for rewrite enormously.

Make sure you decide what exactly will be changed and what will only be rewritten - in advance.

Joel's article really says it all.

Basically never.

As Joel points out: you'll simply lose too much doing it from scratch. It'll probably take way longer than you think and what's the end result? Something that basically does the same thing. So what's the business case for doing it?

That's an important point: it costs money to write something from scratch. How will you recoup that money? Many programmers ignore this point simply because they don't like the code--sometimes with justification, sometimes not.

Just because it has all those problems now doesn't mean it has to continue to have them. If you find yourself making a specific bug fix in the system that could benefit from, say, a new data layer, then create a new data layer. Just because the whole site doesn't use it doesn't mean you can't start using one. Refactor as you need to during your bug fixes. And make sure you understand exactly what the code is doing before you change it.

Problem with code duplication? Pull it out into a class or utility library, in a central location next time you have to fix a bug in the duplicated code.

And, as already mentioned by other responders - start writing tests now. It may be hard if the code is a coupled as it sounds, but you can probably start somewhere.

There is no good reason to rewrite working code. However, if you are already fixing a bug, there is no reason you can't rework that specific part of the code with a "better" design.

The book Facts and Fallacies Of Software Engineering states this fact: "Modification of reused code is particularly error-prone. If more than 20 to 25 percent of a component is to be revised, it is more efficient and effective to rewrite it from scratch." The numbers come from some statistical studies performed on the subject. I think the numbers may vary due to the quality of the code base, so in your case, it seems to be more efficient and effective to rewrite it from scratch by taking this statement into account.