When the back button is pressed in webview the app exit

I had many hours wasted on this one lately. Please look closely. WebView Docs shouldoverrideUrlLoading

If a WebViewClient is provided, returning true causes the current WebView to abort loading the URL, while returning false causes the WebView to continue loading the URL as usual.

So the shouldOverrideUrlLoading return should be false, note true. True will force both disable the onbackpress override method ( i think) and loading further Urls.

So the code should be like:

            public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url){//condition or the code
                return false;

also I used :

public void onBackPressed() {
    if (webview.canGoBack()) {
    } else {


hope I this will help in future!

Have you tried it in onBackPressed() like:

    public void onBackPressed() {
        if (mywebView.isFocused() && mywebView.canGoBack()) {
        } else {