When compiling get error: 'QtGui/QAction' file not found #include <QtGui/QAction>

In Qt5, QAction header is in QtWidgets include sub-directory, not in QtGui (that's true for Qt4). Though you don't actually need to specify include sub-directories since qmake will handle that for you. You just need to add QT += widgets to your .pro file.

Set the version to Qt5, change all #include<QtQui/*>s into #include<QtWidgets/*>. And add QT += widgets in your .pro file. Rebuild the project, when you get the error again, tap into the error message, and change the #include<QtQui/*>s into #include<QtWidgets/*> too.

Try doing a make clean followed by a make. I had this exact problem on a Windows 7 system, and this is what worked for me.



