When are braces optional in Java 8 lambda syntax?

This just in: the EG has (mostly) made a decision on syntax.

After considering a number of alternatives, we decided to essentially adopt the C# syntax. We may still deliberate further on the fine points (e.g., thin arrow vs fat arrow, special nilary form, etc), and have not yet come to a decision on method reference syntax.

The C# syntax is:

lambda = ArgList Arrow Body
ArgList = Identifier
           | "(" Identifier [ "," Identifier ]* ")"
           | "(" Type Identifier [ "," Type Identifier ]* ")"
Body = Expression
           | "{" [ Statement ";" ]+ "}"

An expression evaluates to something, you can't have void expressions in Java. It is a statement, thus you need {} around it.


You may omit the braces when the lambda body is a single expression or a void method invocation. Every expression evaluates to a value, and thus cannot be void.

If the body of the lambda is a block of statements (e.g. a series of calculations followed by a return statement), or the lambda has no value (i.e. has a void return type) and is not a single void method invocation, you must use the block form, which requires brackets.

In a block-style lambda, if a value is returned, then all possible code paths must either return a value or throw a Throwable.

If there are no braces, the lambda automatically returns the one expression after the -> operator.
Thus, when you have a lambda that returns nothing, you must use the braces