When (and why) was Python `__new__()` introduced?

The blog post The Inside Story on New-Style Classes (from the aptly named http://python-history.blogspot.com) written by Guido van Rossum (Python's BDFL) provides some good information regarding this subject.

Some relevant quotes:

New-style classes introduced a new class method __new__() that lets the class author customize how new class instances are created. By overriding __new__() a class author can implement patterns like the Singleton Pattern, return a previously created instance (e.g., from a free list), or to return an instance of a different class (e.g., a subclass). However, the use of __new__ has other important applications. For example, in the pickle module, __new__ is used to create instances when unserializing objects. In this case, instances are created, but the __init__ method is not invoked.

Another use of __new__ is to help with the subclassing of immutable types. By the nature of their immutability, these kinds of objects can not be initialized through a standard __init__() method. Instead, any kind of special initialization must be performed as the object is created; for instance, if the class wanted to modify the value being stored in the immutable object, the __new__ method can do this by passing the modified value to the base class __new__ method.

You can read the entire post for more information on this subject.

Another post about New-style Classes which was written along with the above quoted post has some additional information.


In response to OP's edit and the quote from the Zen of Python, I would say this.
Zen of Python was not written by the creator of the language but by Tim Peters and was published only in August 19, 2004. We have to take into account the fact that __new__ appears only in the documentation of Python 2.4 (which was released on November 30, 2004), and this particular guideline (or aphorism) did not even exist publicly when __new__ was introduced into the language.

Even if such a document of guidelines existed informally before, I do not think that the author(s) intended them to be misinterpreted as a design document for an entire language and ecosystem.

I will not explain the history of __new__ here because I have only used Python since 2005, so after it was introduced into the language. But here is the rationale behind it.

The normal configuration method for a new object is the __init__ method of its class. The object has already been created (usually via an indirect call to object.__new__) and the method just initializes it. Simply, if you have a truely non mutable object, it is too late.

In that use case the Pythonic way is the __new__ method, which builds and returns the new object. The nice point with it, is that is is still included in the class definition and does not require a specific metaclass. Standard documentation states:

new() is intended mainly to allow subclasses of immutable types (like int, str, or tuple) to customize instance creation. It is also commonly overridden in custom metaclasses in order to customize class creation.

Defining a __call__ method on the metaclass is indeed allowed but is IMHO non Pythonic, because __new__ should be enough. In addition, __init__, __new__ and metaclasses each dig deeper inside the internal Python machinery. So the rule shoud be do not use __new__ if __init__ is enough, and do not use metaclasses if __new__ is enough.