What’s up with this 302 redirect to the same URL?

Your first two requests are the same. All clients (including curl) have to send the slash after the domain name as part of the HTTP request whether or not it is on the URL. There is no way to formulate a valid HTTP request without it. A minimal HTTP request is:

GET / HTTP/1.0
host: jekyllrb.com

Omitting the slash from that will result in a "400 bad request" error.

It appears that the behavior is intermittent. Sometimes the server responds with a redirect and sometimes it does not. I've tried it dozens of times myself with curl and I occasionally get the redirect, but most of the time I do not.

Redirecting to the same URL is occasionally used to set cookies and test to see that they are set. I don't see any cookies being set on this request, but curl may retry a request that redirects to the same URL with the -L option.

Wow, that is weird, indeed.

As the other answer has mentioned, a trailing slash after the domain name is always mandatory in HTTP requests, so, it is NOT expected to receive a redirect if you try to access the domain "without" any specific path in place.

I've tried up your domain as curl -v http://jekyllrb.com, and indeed only on the third attempt did I actually get 200 OK and the page content, instead being given 302 Found on the prior two requests.

  • My guess would be that doing a couple of redirects to itself is seamless for standard-behaving clients, but might be problematic for some broken bots, and GitHub might be using it as a technique to avoid some email harvesters or some such? Perhaps similar in concept to greylisting in SMTP?

  • Another potential benefit I could think of might be the speed of fulfilling individual requests -- perhaps it doesn't have the content of the page upfront, so, it issues a redirect to itself instead, ensuring that each individual request is very fast.

  • Or perhaps it is to minimise bandwidth use by giving a redirect to non-browser clients which might not bother to make a second request? Just another far-off guess.

Cns:cnst {8395} curl -v http://jekyllrb.com; date
* About to connect() to jekyllrb.com port 80 (#0)
*   Trying
* connected
* Connected to jekyllrb.com ( port 80 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.26.0
> Host: jekyllrb.com
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 302 Found
< Connection: close
< Pragma: no-cache
< cache-control: no-cache
< Location: /
* Closing connection #0
Tue Dec 30 10:57:35 PST 2014
Cns:cnst {8396} curl -v http://jekyllrb.com ; date
* About to connect() to jekyllrb.com port 80 (#0)
*   Trying
* connected
* Connected to jekyllrb.com ( port 80 (#0)
> GET / HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.26.0
> Host: jekyllrb.com
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Server: GitHub.com
< Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 18:57:36 GMT
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
< Content-Length: 8177
< Last-Modified: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 14:17:25 GMT
< Expires: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:07:36 GMT
< Cache-Control: max-age=600
< Accept-Ranges: bytes
<html lang="en-US">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <title>Jekyll &bull; Simple, blog-aware, static sites</title>