What would be the pythonic way to go to prevent circular loop while writing JSON?

General JSONEncoder class that prevents circular reference error

The following encoder class MyEncoder performs recursive encoding of the nested objects until a circular reference is detected, whose "name" attribute is returned instead of the object itself.

import json
class MyEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    def __init__(self, *args, **argv):
        super().__init__(*args, **argv)
        self.proc_objs = []
    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj,(A,B)):
            if obj in self.proc_objs:
                return obj.name # short circle the object dumping
            return obj.__dict__
        return obj

json.dumps(list_of_As, cls=MyEncoder, check_circular=False, indent=2)


  { "name": "firstA",
    "my_Bs": [
      { "name": "secondB",
        "my_As": [ "firstA" ]
  { "name": "secondA", "my_Bs": [] }

Using a custom toJSON method

You can implement a serializer method in your classes.

class JSONable:
    def toJSON(self):
        d = dict()
        for k,v in self.__dict__.items():
            # save a list of "name"s of the objects in "my_As" or "my_Bs"
            d[k] = [o.name for o in v] if isinstance(v, list) else v
        return d

class A(JSONable):
    def __init__(self,name):
        self.name = name
        self.my_Bs = []
    def register(self,b):

class B(JSONable):
    def __init__(self,name):
        self.name = name
        self.my_As = []
    def register(self,a):

json.dumps(list_of_As, default=lambda x: x.toJSON(), indent=2)


  { "name":  "firstA",  "my_Bs": [  "secondB" ] },
  { "name":  "secondA", "my_Bs": [] }

The best-practice approach is to record the id() values of objects already seen, when encoding. id() values are unique for objects with overlapping lifetimes, and when encoding, you can generally count on the objects not being short-lived. This works on any object type, and doesn't require the objects to be hashable.

Both the copy and pickle modules use this technique in a memo dictionary that maps id() values to their object for later reference.

You can use this technique here too; you really only need to keep a set of the ids to detect that you can return the .name attribute. Using a set makes testing for repeated references fast and efficient (membership testing takes O(1) constant time, as opposed to lists, which take O(N) linear time):

class CircularEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        kwargs['check_circular'] = False  # no need to check anymore
        super(CircularEncoder, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self._memo = set()

    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, (A, B)):
            d = id(obj)
            if d in self._memo:
                return obj.name
            return vars(obj)
        return super(CircularEncoder, self).default(obj)

then use json.dumps() with this class:

json.dumps(list_of_As, cls=CircularEncoder)

For your sample input, this produces:

>>> print(json.dumps(list_of_As, cls=CircularEncoder, indent=2))
    "name": "firstA",
    "my_Bs": [
        "name": "secondB",
        "my_As": [
    "name": "secondA",
    "my_Bs": []