What would be the key size for a picture used as a key?

Your most recent edit indicates that your pictures are procedurally-generated, so your key size will therefore be bounded by the amount of state required to generate an image. Yours seem to be parameterized by four floats for the initial conditions (and fixed output image size, camera location, point light location, convergence conditions, etc).

Those 128-bits of state will then be transformed into an image by an algorithm that depends solely on your provided state, so your image "key" cannot contain more than 128 bits of information. In fact, I think that entire classes of initial values produce identical outputs (e.g. when all four floats are extremely small), so your image "key" size will be strictly less than 128-bits.

There's really no benefit to touching the 128 bits of state by turning it into an image (and then somehow back) if you only reduce the size of the key by doing so.

A picture is far too large to use as an encryption key directly, you'll want to run it through a KDF first.

It also depends entirely on the picture whether it will have enough entropy to be useful. You could have a 1000x1000 image that's solid white, but it would be useless as a key as it contains no entropy. Pictures from cameras tend to have a fair amount of entropy in the lower bits, so that could be ok, but your users would need to understand that not just any picture is a good key.

Pictures as keys is in general not a great idea. Pictures are usually taken to be shared, and keys are something you don't want to show to everyone. Using a picture as a key also sounds to me like it could be relying on security through obscurity (i.e. you just use an image from the thousands you have on your computer, but that's effectively very low entropy, probably under 20 bits unless you have an insane number of pictures).

Feel free to continue developing this for the sake of learning, but until you have a much better grasp of cryptography it's better to leave this sort of thing to the experts (see Why shouldn't we roll our own?).

Any cryptosystem should have keys with keysizes at the 128, 192, and 256 bit-of-entropy security levels.

So the question comes back to you: where are these images coming from and how much entropy do they contain? If they are completely random bit streams that are being interpreted as an image, then (ignoring entropy loss from lossy compression codecs), you get log_base2(256x256x256) = 24 bits of entropy per pixel, so you'd need 6 / 8 / 11 pixels respectively for the 128 / 192 / 256 bit security strengths.

If you're not generating completely random images and instead allowing people to use, like, photos, then I have no idea how you'd even begin estimating the amount of entropy in one of those.

Bottom line: using images as key material seems like a really odd thing to do and conflicts with the common practice that key material be completely random data from a cryptographic-strength RNG.

Also, from the information in your question, I'm not convinced that brute-force is the attack you need to worry about; I'd be more concerned with the "get access to their laptop and try every image on their hard drive" attack.