What's the meaning of IO actions within pure functions?

IO actions are first-class values like any other; that's what makes Haskell's IO so expressive, allowing you to build higher-order control structures (like mapM_) from scratch. Laziness isn't relevant here,1 it's just that you're not actually executing the action. You're just constructing the value Just (putStrLn "???"), then throwing it away.

putStrLn "???" existing doesn't cause a line to be printed to the screen. By itself, putStrLn "???" is just a description of some IO that could be done to cause a line to be printed to the screen. The only execution that happens is executing main, which you constructed from other IO actions, or whatever actions you type into GHCi. For more information, see the introduction to IO.

Indeed, it's perfectly conceivable that you might want to juggle about IO actions inside Maybe; imagine a function String -> Maybe (IO ()), which checks the string for validity, and if it's valid, returns an IO action to print some information derived from the string. This is possible precisely because of Haskell's first-class IO actions.

But a monad has no ability to execute the actions of another monad unless you give it that ability.

1 Indeed, h = putStrLn "???" `seq` return () doesn't cause any IO to be performed either, even though it forces the evaluation of putStrLn "???".

Let's desugar!

h = do return (putStrLn "???"); return ()
-- rewrite (do foo; bar) as (foo >> do bar)
h = return (putStrLn "???") >> do return ()
-- redundant do
h = return (putStrLn "???") >> return ()
-- return for Maybe = Just
h = Just (putStrLn "???") >> Just ()
-- replace (foo >> bar) with its definition, (foo >>= (\_ -> bar))
h = Just (putStrLn "???") >>= (\_ -> Just ())

Now, what happens when you evaluate h?* Well, for Maybe,

(Just x) >>= f = f x
Nothing  >>= f = Nothing

So we pattern match the first case

f x
-- x = (putStrLn "???"), f = (\_ -> Just ())
(\_ -> Just ()) (putStrLn "???")
-- apply the argument and ignore it
Just ()

Notice how we never had to perform putStrLn "???" in order to evaluate this expression.

*n.b. It is somewhat unclear at which point "desugaring" stops and "evaluation" begins. It depends on your compiler's inlining decisions. Pure computations could be evaluated entirely at compile time.


